Hair & Scalp Strengthening Oil Duo Pack
Rosemary Mint Hair & Scalp Strengthening Oil
Hair Growth Oil & Moisturizing Cream Bundle
Aromatic and exceptionally pure
We believe in the transforming power of faith, love and oils, so we are encouraging you to also share these generously.
Our Mission
Our family has been inspired by this amazing story about faith, love and oil.
“There was a man who was strong in his faith, and had a close relationship with God. He died and his wife and sons began to experience difficult financial hardship. She reached out to an associate of her late husband, his name was Elijah, he was also a man of God, sharing with him her situation; ‘My husband had owed money to a man, and now the man is coming to take my two sons to work for him as a repayment of the debt.’ Elisha said to her, ‘I would like to help, what do you have in your house that can be useful?’ She thought real hard about what she had left and could only think of a jar of oil, in which she had a little left. Elijah then said to her ‘Go around and get empty jars from all your neighbors. Then go back in the house and shut the door behind you. Then you and your sons pour the oil you have into all these jars, and set them aside when each is full. They were obedient to the instructions, and began to pour the little oil they had into the many jars they collected. Miraculously, as the boys brought each empty jars, she kept pouring and the jars continued to be filled until they ran out of jars to fill. She told the man of God what happened and he said, ‘Now, go and sell the oil.’” 2 Kings 4:1-7
We also have been prayerfully mixing, pouring and sharing our oils, in love to the community. So when you experience the beautiful textures, the wonderful aromas and the powerful benefits of SEVONYX oils, remember that’s us sending love your way.
We believe in the transforming power of faith, love and oils, so we are encouraging you to also share these generously.